ONE OF The Beacon Museum’s most successful exhibitions is set to make a comeback.

Return of the Pirates will run at the harbourside attraction from this Saturday (October 22) until January 22.

Pirates of the Beacon Museum had an incredibly successful run over the summer, with families flocking to the interactive and fun exhibition.

And now the immersive experience is back. Visitors can experience a ‘Treasure Island Adventure’, explore the ‘Parrot Jungle’, take a selfie whilst ‘hanging the jib’, dress up as a pirate, steer the ship and raise the Jolly Roger flag.

Guests can look deeper into the history of pirates, and try to decide if they were heroes or villains. There is also pirate skittles, walk the plank, and canon ball run.

Copeland Council’s portfolio holder for The Beacon Museum, Councillor Steven Morgan, said: “We’re delighted that the pirates are back! The exhibition – which was entirely designed and curated by our own Beacon staff – was extremely popular during the summer.

“I think many families who missed it first time around will want to book a ticket, and those who did experience it will undoubtedly want to come again. Any budding buccaneers will be kept entertained all day with the activities and exhibits – and there’s the whole of the rest of the museum to explore too. It would also make a fantastic, family-friendly Christmas day out.”

This fun and interactive exhibition is suitable for the whole family, and runs until January 22. Find out more, or book, at

CHECK – It is possible to book pirate-themed birthday parties – contact the Beacon Museum team on 01946 592302. To discuss school visits, email

Click here for some pictures of the Return of the Pirates exhibition: