CELEBRATE the Easter holidays with The Beacon Museum in Whitehaven.

Families can enjoy a range of crafts and activities at the harbourside attraction, which has four floors of exhibitions and interactive displays.

Every day between April 1 and 9, at 11am and 2pm, children can paint and decorate a ceramic egg basket and make an Easter card.

From April 10 to 16, visitors can study plant cells and insects under a microscope, find out what plants need to grow, and see why insects are important in our ecosystem. This is followed by a chance to decorate a plant pot to take home. These sessions are also at 11am and 2pm, and last an hour each.

All craft sessions cost £5 per child – admission to the museum must be bought separately.

There is also an Easter trail running throughout the Easter holidays. This self-led activity is free with museum entry.

To book a museum ticket or a place at the Easter craft sessions, visit https://thebeacon-whitehaven.co.uk/ or call 01946 592302.